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Tu es en sécurité avec moi par Chitra Soundar

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Vous êtes en sécurité avec moi, livre pour enfants de Chitra Soundar

Lorsque la lune se lève haut et que les étoiles scintillent, c'est l'heure du coucher pour les bébés animaux de la forêt indienne. Mais ce soir, quand le ciel s'assombrit et que la nuit devient orageuse, les petits n'arrivent pas à dormir. SWISH-SWISH! CRACK-TRACK! FLASH-SNAP ! va la tempête. Seule Maman Éléphant avec ses paroles pleines de sagesse pourra les rassurer. "Tu es en sécurité avec moi."

Ce magnifique livre d'images de Chitra Soundar et illustré par Poonam Mistry est un merveilleux livre pour l'heure du coucher. Une lecture apaisante au coucher qui enveloppera votre enfant dans un conte chaleureux sur Maman Éléphant et ses paroles rassurantes aux bébés animaux de la forêt indienne. Ce livre a un rythme apaisant semblable à celui d'une chanson, la berceuse parfaite pour les tout-petits réticents à l'heure du coucher. Les illustrations sont vraiment époustouflantes – les jeunes enfants seront fascinés par les motifs géométriques et rechercheront les bébés animaux cachés à l’intérieur. Chitra Soundar est une auteure et conteuse britannique d'origine indienne, qui a publié plus de 30 livres inspirés du riche héritage des contes populaires de l'Inde et de la beauté naturelle de l'Inde.

Liste des finalistes pour la médaille Kate Greenaway 2019
Un livre pour enfants Guardian du mois

Auteur : Chitra Soundar

Illustration : Poonam Mistry

Âge : 2 ans et plus

32 pages - Relié

Imprimé sur du papier certifié FSC avec des encres sans pétrole

L'éditeur de livres pour enfants et entreprise sociale primé, Lantana Publishing, a pour mission de publier des livres inclusifs qui changent la donne de l'édition, en commandant des livres qui célèbrent la diversité, l'égalité et la durabilité environnementale. Au Royaume-Uni, un tiers des écoliers s'identifient comme étant noirs, asains ou issus d'une minorité ethnique (BAME), mais pourtant moins de 5 % des livres sont représentatifs des personnages BAME. De plus, moins de 2 % sont des auteurs ou des créateurs de livres représentés par des Britanniques de couleur, et encore moins sont représentatifs des communautés LGBTQ+ ou handicapés. Lantana croit que chaque enfant mérite de se voir dans les livres qu'il lit.

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Tu es en sécurité avec moi par Chitra Soundar


Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Beautiful illustrations ⭐️

We love these book series! There is something so magical and inviting with the illustrations that just get you lost in the pages.

The perfect bedtime book, such a gentle and calming story. The animals who can’t sleep at night because of the thunder and lightning are reminded by mama elephant “you’re safe with me”. Mama elephant tells them tales about the sounds and lights, how the rumbling river takes the water from the rain back into the sea, and how the lightning sparkles in the sky when the clouds collide. It’s truly a beautiful story!

Gorgeous book!

This is such a beautiful book, the perfect bedtime story to snuggle down with. The illustrations are simply stunning, with so much detail- we always spot something new! A lovely calming story, to ease little ones fears at night. We’ll definitely be adding the others to our collection.

Simple and sweet, with stunning illustrations!

"Mummy, close the book a second please. I want to know the name of the illustrator because the drawings are so good!" - Jensen (almost 8)

I have waited for so long to see one of the books from this collection in real life, and I was not disappointed. The illustrations are unlike any I've ever seen before and clearly my eldest felt the same way. My younger two children who are 5 and 19 months were so taken in by the imagery, they actually sat still for the whole story. I'd buy the other two books in this series just for the art work alone.

Though the story itself flows with the imagery perfectly. The words are gentle, the story line simple and it's all just so calming. There are four baby animals who are scared in the night and can't sleep. An elephant offers them comfort and describes why the noises of the jungle and the sky are working in such a way that they sound scary, but that it's all actually okay. The elephant reminds them that they are safe with her. As my middle child is scared of the dark, I imagine this book will often be the bedtime story I grab from the shelf. It will be read time and time again. I can't wait to read the others!

Perfect bedtime story

Both my boys (7 and 1 and a half) and I enjoyed this book. The illustrations are what draws you in at first accompanied by a calming, charming story it makes a wonderful bedtime story. My youngest seemed fascinated by the beautiful patterns in the illustrations and kept reaching out to touch the pages. The repetition in the words of the story brings a lovely sense of calm too.

Poppy M
Stunning illustrations and a beautiful story

We were first drawn to this book by the gorgeous illustration style - of course you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover but in this case it was a fair representation of the wonderful story inside.

It tells the tale of 4 baby animals struggling to sleep through a scary thunderstorm, comforted by mama elephant as she explains each part of the storms important role in the jungle. Her reassurance and knowledge and consistent message "you're safe with me" helping the babies feel calm and able to sleep through the night.

The illustration style is delightful, with lots to spot. My daughter enjoyed finding and counting the insects. Her favourite page shows the wide eyed babies looking at the lightning and she said their faces look so shocked!

I would recommend this book, we'll be looking at the others in the series.

Lantana Publishing

Award winning children's book publisher and social enterprise, Lantana Publishing, have a mission to publish inclusive books that are changing the game of publishing, commissioning books that celebrate diversity, equality, and environmental sustainability. In the UK, a third of school children identify as being Black, Asian, or Minority Ethnic (BAME), but yet less than 5% of books are representative of BAME characters. Further to this, less than 2% are authors or book creators represented by British people of colour, even less than this are representative of the LGBTQ+ communities or disabled. Lantana believes that every child deserves to see themselves in the books they read.
Lantana Publishing
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