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Oli et Carole

Les jouets en caoutchouc naturel Oli et Carol sont la création des sœurs Olympia et Carolina, qui voulaient travailler ensemble pour concevoir des produits respectueux de l'environnement pour les parents modernes et leurs enfants – et s'amuser en le faisant ! Ce duo créatif de Barcelone a bâti son entreprise dans un souci de responsabilité sociale : soutenir la scolarisation des enfants de l'école Baba Jodh Sachiyar, dans le nord de l'Inde, est leur mission principale. Leur gamme d'anneaux de dentition et d'accessoires est fabriquée à partir de caoutchouc 100 % naturel provenant de l'hévéa de Malaisie.


En soldes
Âge du jouet
The Oil & Carol Fruit & Veggie Pacifier Cases, made from Natural Rubber in a diagonal row on a cream background. There is a yellow banana, a pink/purple radish, a yellow lemon and a red apple. The image also showing the slot where the pacifier/dummy fits into the holder case
The Lou the Lemon Pacifier Holder on a cream background. The image shows an Oli & Carol lemon teething toy half way inside the holder. The lemon is textured and has a green muslin leaf attachment on the top to tie the holder to a pram handle, high chair etc.
The Ramona Radish Pacifier Holder on a cream background. The image shows an Oli & Carol radish teething toy next to the holder, and the slot where the pacifier or teether can go inside the holder. The radish is textured and has a green muslin leaf attachment on the top to tie the holder to a pram handle, high chair etc.
The Pepa The Apple Pacifier Holder on a cream background. The image shows an Oli & Carol apple teething toy half way inside the holder. The apple is smooth and has a green muslin leaf attachment on the top to tie the holder to a pram handle, high chair etc.
The Ana Banana Pacifier Holder on a cream background. The image shows an Oli & Carol banana teething toy next to the holder. The banana is smooth and has a green muslin leaf attachment on the top to tie the holder to a pram handle, high chair etc.
The Oil & Carol Fruit & Veggie Pacifier Cases, made from Natural Rubber in a diagonal row on a cream background. There is a yellow banana, a pink/purple radish, a yellow lemon and a red apple. The image also showing the slot where the pacifier/dummy fits into the holder case
A person tying the Oli Carl Apple Pacifier Holder and Teether Toy made from natural rubber, onto the handle of their pram.