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The Wall and the Wild by Christina Dendy book cover
Girl sat on a sofa reading the wall and the wild childrens book by christina dendy
Pages of the wall and the wild kids book on open on a white background
Pages of the wall and the wild kids book on open on a white background

Le mur et la nature par Christina Dendy


Le mur et la nature par Christina Dendy

« The Wall and the Wild », écrit par Christina Dendy et magnifiquement illustré par Katie Rewse, suit l'histoire d'Ana. Ana est une jeune fille qui commence à cultiver son jardin parfait à la périphérie de la ville. Alors concentrée sur la culture du meilleur jardin, elle jette les pousses irrégulières et les graines inégales par-dessus un grand mur. À mesure que son jardin commence à s'agrandir et à devenir de plus en plus beau, la nature sauvage au-dessus du mur commence également à pousser !

Ce livre pour enfants de 32 pages raconte une histoire réconfortante qui embrasse la biodiversité et permet aux enfants d'explorer la beauté de la nature et de la faune. Avec de grandes illustrations colorées, ce livre constitue une lecture amusante et passionnante pour les jeunes enfants. Une belle histoire avec laquelle se détendre au coucher.

Auteur : Christina Dendy

Illustration : Katie Rewse

Âge : 3 ans et plus

32 pages - Relié

Imprimé sur du papier certifié FSC avec des encres sans pétrole

L'éditeur de livres pour enfants et entreprise sociale primé, Lantana Publishing, a pour mission de publier des livres inclusifs qui changent la donne de l'édition, en commandant des livres qui célèbrent la diversité, l'égalité et la durabilité environnementale. Au Royaume-Uni, un tiers des écoliers s'identifient comme étant noirs, asains ou issus d'une minorité ethnique (BAME), mais pourtant moins de 5 % des livres sont représentatifs des personnages BAME. De plus, moins de 2 % sont des auteurs ou des créateurs de livres représentés par des Britanniques de couleur, et encore moins sont représentatifs des communautés LGBTQ+ ou handicapés. Lantana croit que chaque enfant mérite de se voir dans les livres qu'il lit.

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Le mur et la nature par Christina Dendy


Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews
Such a beautiful book

This is such a lovely story, Matthew loves gardening and was instantly drawn to this book. The illustrations are just beautiful. He also loves a puzzler story.. as he calls them, when your trying to figure out why the flowers are not growing. It took him a little while to read but I think that’s because he was just looking at the pages and the drawings and what was going on each page. At the end there is also a lovely “Did you know?” Section and it was lovely to have some facts about how many species of plants and insects too. Matthew was learning about ecosystems in school before Christmas, so while we were discussing the story he was always drawn back to what he was learning in school which is great

Beautiful book!

My daughter (aged 3) and I loved this book and have read it many times since it arrived. The illustrations are beautiful and the story is one that we will come back to over the years with an important message on biodiversity and the beauty in imperfection.
Previous reviews have already mentioned the plot of the book but I wanted to add that the main character Ana wears hearing aids which i actually hadn’t noticed at first, my daughter asked what was in her ears. This made me love the book even more, as it naturally enabled an important conversation with my daughter. This book is inclusive, diverse and beautiful!

Wild and Free

Perfection is overrated, things flourish when they're allowed to grow wild and free. Obviously this isn't just a book about flowers, it's represents so much more than that and is a fabulous concept to share with young children.

Beautifully illustrated and cleverly written, this book is really quite lovely and my wee man spotted the main character had hearing aids like his friend and thought that was really cool because he'd not seen that represented in a book before!

Beautiful story

Ana is trying to create the perfect garden using only the most perfect seeds and discarding any she deemed to be imperfect into the wild and creating a boundary between her perfect garden and the imperfect wild, however she starts to notice that there is something wrong with her garden.
It is a wonderful story about accepting the imperfections in life and how they can be more beautiful than perfection, so not everything in life needs to be perfect.
The Illustrations are lovely and engaging, both myself and my son enjoyed this book and we will no doubt read it again and again.

A lovely colourful book with a great story

This is a beautifully illustrated book, with a lovely heart warming story about how there's beauty in the imperfect. My 6yr old loved reading this to her little sister, who enjoyed pointing at all the pictures and colours. It's a great book either for children to read independently or to have an adult read as the text is easy to understand and the beautiful illustrations complement it really well. It also has a great message about how difficult it can be to be 'perfect' and that sometimes it's the imperfect things which are the most beautiful, which can be talked about further. We really enjoyed this one!

Lantana Publishing

Award winning children's book publisher and social enterprise, Lantana Publishing, have a mission to publish inclusive books that are changing the game of publishing, commissioning books that celebrate diversity, equality, and environmental sustainability. In the UK, a third of school children identify as being Black, Asian, or Minority Ethnic (BAME), but yet less than 5% of books are representative of BAME characters. Further to this, less than 2% are authors or book creators represented by British people of colour, even less than this are representative of the LGBTQ+ communities or disabled. Lantana believes that every child deserves to see themselves in the books they read.
Lantana Publishing
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