Play ideas with Grapat Petals by Amy
Grapat is one of our favourite things to play with, once you understand that there is no right or wrong way to play with it, it really is limitless.
It’s also ageless as it’s something that I often grab and go and sit at a table or in the garden with to create something when I need a bit of space or to have a mindful moment or two.
As an adult I like the brand because it promotes creativity and imagination and when I saw the new Grapat petals from their Wild Wild Range, I knew that they would be a wonderful addition to our collection. Here are some of the ways that we like to play with them.
Make a Giant Flower

They are petals, so making a giant flower is almost a must! We made our giant flower together and Tilly, who’s four, collected lots of dandelions to put in the centre. She then grabbed the Plan Toys bees to go on a very exciting adventure and collect the nectar. I used this as a lovely learning opportunity and taught her all about how honey is made while we played.
Space Play

The shape of the petals lend themselves very well to being rockets. The space
Wondercloth is a brilliant base to play on for space adventures and add a nin astronaut or two and you’re ready to blast off!
Build a Tower

Grapat petals are a very close match to the shape of Abel blocks and we discovered that they can be paired together and stacked on top of each other. How high can you build a tower? The higher you go, the wobblier it gets! Using them in this way led to all sorts of small world fun.
Nins don’t quite fit inside the gaps but the baby nins do. We’ve got big plans to create a giant bug hotel in the summer using the petals and Abel blocks alongside the Lanka Kade insects.
Learn to Count

This is a great example of how a child’s imagination is so much better than an adults as I never would have thought to use them in this way. Tilly grabbed the petals and set them out and used them as little platforms to practise some counting on with Reel Wood numbers and Grapat mandala pieces.
Thank you for inviting me to write a blog post for you Babipur. The petals are a brilliant example of an open ended toy and the play possibilities are endless.
Thank to Amy @tillystoys for sharing these play ideas with us!
Here are some other play ideas sent in by our customers

Create your favourite animal using the Grapat petals and give them a face and features using the Grapat mandala pieces. Thank you to Kristina for this idea (IG @littlemissmama)